What is the Church? It is the people of God -- not a place, not a location, not a building -- it's the people of God who love God and others. We are image bearers who endeavor to reflect back to the world the light and love of gracious, merciful, loving God. As we follow Jesus, our eyes are turned to those most vulnerable -- children. In following this command, we serve families who struggle with domestic violence and/or homelessness. We help families who are at-risk, and in precarious life circumstances. We focus in on families that have children, but we serve the whole family. We long to bring together the Body of Christ to reach out to these vulnerable children locally and globally. We invite you to join us.

Ray Moore
Executive Director

Steve Martin

Kelli Moore
Vice Board Chair

Adam Stultz

Cory Edmonds
Board Chair

Carrie Guzman

Jenna Zibton